"America the Beautiful" by Lee Greenwood. Picture courtesy of Google search. Incredible music mixed with very unique pictures of our country. This video is a reminder of all those who sacrificed their lives to build this nation. Let it be said that the greater tragedy than the loss of so many would be that their sacrifice would lie in vain. May we continue to honor them by aspiring to the same inspirations to which they heeded. They sought for the strength of great leadership, acknowledgement of a higher deity and desired unity, from the writing of our very constitution to the battles fought and won on the battlefields.
I pray for all that no matter who we are or what we believe or what we dream to become, that everyone deserves to be happy and free! We need a place of refuge, we ask for leadership that will continue to provide opportunities for everyone and protect the safe haven for us to dwell as we continue to fight to remain the Land of the free from which it began.
Please share: http://youtu.be/XKdID40WULo?a