Fernando & Sorocaba | |
Number of songs: 14 | Total weeks on charts: 168
Appearing in a total number of: 20 charts | Total period running: 5715 days
Appearing in a total number of: 20 charts | Total period running: 5715 days
Fernando & Sorocaba is a country music band in Brazil.
Fernando is Fernando Zorzanello Boniface (born April 21, 1984 in Ji-Paraná-RO) and Sorocaba is the stage name of Fernando Fakra of Assisi (born September 15, 1980 in São Paulo-SP). Fernando began singing when he was living in Cuiabá, where he moved at age 15 and Sorocaba when he was on the college of agronomy in Londrina. He earned this nickname because it was created in the city of Sorocaba, São Paulo.
Sources: Wikipedia, Top40-Charts.com Editorial team