Seeb & Neev | |
Number of songs: 1 | Total weeks on charts: 9
Appearing in a total number of: 4 charts | Total period running: 111 days
Appearing in a total number of: 4 charts | Total period running: 111 days
Seeb are the Norwegian production duo made up of Simen Eriksrud and Espen Berg. The name of the duo stylized as Seeb is made up of the first letters of both artist's given names and surnames.
Neev Spencer is one of the biggest British female DJs in the UK, with her award winning shows on KISS FM UK (reaching 1.8m each week) and digital spin-off station KISSTORY (reaching 507k each week). Her Mid-morning show in recent radio results is once again market leader in London.
Sources: Wikipedia, Editorial team