New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Troy Coleman, also known as "Cowboy Troy," is the recipient of the 2017 Famous Alumni Award from Columbia Southern University and the Distance Education Accrediting Commission.
Columbia Southern University, one of the nation's pioneer online universities, will award graduates
Shanna Travis and Troy Coleman in conjunction with the Distance Education Accrediting Commission's (DEAC) Outstanding Graduate and Famous Alumni program.
The Outstanding Graduate and Famous Alumni program is an annual event that touts graduates from the DEAC's accredited organizations. Award recipients are chosen based on contributions to their career fields, public interests served and how they have used their degrees to advance their personal and professional lives.
After working in the entertainment industry for more than a decade, Coleman—also known as "Cowboy Troy"—graduated from CSU's Master of Business Administration program with a marketing concentration in January 2017. Coleman is this year's Famous Alumni recipient.
"I travel a lot with work. Columbia Southern University provided a flexible and comprehensive program that is also affordable. Not only did I learn new concepts, but the MBA marketing program also helped reinforce concepts that I learned on the job after 13 years in my current career," said Coleman. "I will use the knowledge I've gained to further my music career by marketing my music and merchandise in more innovative ways. I'll also consult with clients about marketing their businesses and products to help them stay ahead of their competition."
Travis, this year's Outstanding Graduate recipient, currently serves as the advisor to the deputy director, chief technology officer within the U.S. Department of the Treasury. In 2015,
Travis capitalized on her 25-plus years of HR management and business administration experience by earning her MBA degree with a concentration in public administration from CSU.
"My Columbia Southern University experience was beneficial, challenging and rewarding," said Travis. "Matriculating at CSU afforded me the rare opportunity to learn while simultaneously applying the skills I was learning as I was actually working in my career field at the time."
CSU will host a student and alumni event to honor Coleman and
Travis on Monday, April 24, 2017 from 6-8 p.m. at the St. Anthony Hotel, 300 E.
Travis St. in San Antonio, Texas.
One of the nation's pioneer online universities, Columbia Southern University was established in 1993 to provide an alternative to the traditional university experience. CSU offers online associate, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees such as business administration, criminal justice, fire administration and occupational safety and health. Visit or call (877) 347-6050 to learn more