NEW YORK (AP) - Destiny's Child have announced plans to go their separate ways and concentrate on a number of solo projects. Beyonce Knowles, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams will each release a solo album within the next 18 months, in addition to a variety of TV and film work. Michelle looks likely to be first off the staring blocks with the release of a gospel album early next year whilst Kelly plans to release her 'alternate R&B' album by early 2003. Beyonce is rumoured to have accepted a starring role in the forthcoming Austin Powers movie, Goldmember and is likely to complete filming before work begins on her solo album - due for release in Autumn 2002. Manager Mathew Knowles has said the trio will not be in competition with each other, claiming that the timing of various projects would be crucial: "I wouldn't want any of my artists to directly compete with each other. They're so multitalented that while one's working TV, the other can be working a record." Meanwhile Destiny's Child have cancelled their forthcoming tour of Australia following the September 11 terror attacks in America. Sony Music say that the decision was made after consultation with the US government: "In light of the current international situation and in compliance with instruction from the US Department of State, Destiny's Child have postponed the group's concert dates in Australia." It is thought that scheduled dates in UK and Ireland will still go ahead. Band member Beyonce Knowles explained that making the decision to cancel was a hard thing to do: "We made that decision the very last second after taking a hard look at the state of the world right now. We look forward to re-scheduling the shows and we pray for a quick end to the fighting and a return to peaceful times." The band hope to reschedule the tour for April/May 2002.