New York, NY (Top40 Charts) After two successful shows in their fall season, The Rock and Roll Playhouse have announced an additional show date on Saturday, December 8th at First Avenue in Minneapolis featuring The
Music of the
Beatles for Kids with Curtiss A, a long time collaborator with First Avenue for their Lennon Tribute show. This Rock and Roll Playhouse show is the first kid-focused
Beatles tribute concert with Curtiss A and will be a treat for parents and kids alike.
The Rock and Roll Playhouse is a weekly children's music workshop-series that creates "a space within which they can discover new comfort zones with and around music" (WHERE IN New York). Created by entrepreneur and owner of The Capitol Theatre and Brooklyn Bowl,
Peter Shapiro, and Amy Striem, a certified early childhood and elementary teacher, The Rock and Roll Playhouse uses music to educate children, explore their creativity and "to be able to share that fun with your kid is, to quote a true artist, 'a boy's dream.'" (Fatherly).
Performing songs created by the most iconic musicians in rock history, the Rock and Roll Playhouse band offers its audience games, movement, stories and an opportunity to rock out for education. Since its founding in 2013, The Rock and Roll Playhouse has hosted over 400 concerts — in New York City, Chicago, Boston, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Nashville, Boulder, Berkeley, Austin and Philadelphia — exploring the music of five decades and diverse genres and offering "unique, interactive live music experiences for
Little Rock stars of all ages (and their parents!)" (Mommy Nearest).
December 8th
First Avenue (701 N 1st Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403)
Music of The
Beatles For Kids (11:00am)