New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Born and raised in New York City, Esglo is known for his unique style of Electronic Dance Music. His passion for music began at an early age, as a first-generation American of
Latino descent, growing up in the Heights at a time when House music was emerging. Surrounded by singers and dancers throughout his early years, he felt that undeniable urge to fulfil his creative desires through these exciting sounds that he was hearing more and more whilst growing up as a young child. As a teenager, he took a leap of faith and started writing lyrics. He attended Hillcrest HS in Queens, NY and majored in Performing Arts - Queens being the original stomping grounds of such luminaries as Run DMC, Nas, LL Cool J to name but a few. Although the afor mentioned artists are from the Hip Hop side of things it just goes to prove Queens is a borough, one of The Five Boroughs of New York City, with a rich musical heritage that spans many genres. In this case Esglo sites his music as predominantly EDM based, a love affair that grew stronger as he came of age and entered the club scene. Not long after this, he began producing his own songs, collaborating with other singers, producers and engineers, in the studios he frequently visited. Esglo's free-spirited attitude continued to expand his artistic horizon, interestingly, you can often find him exploring the deepest darkest corners of city for inspiration.
EDM is the influence but in some ways I'd say his music is far more wide ranging than that. It has the feel of pop music. Both in a retro way and a modern way simultaneously. Effects on the vocals give it a futuristic fee. The main difference with this music and most EDM I hear nowadays, is there is a lot more effort put in to fill in spaces with vocals and lyrics that don't sound so obviously just sampled and looped. The soundscape is much more like that of a traditional song in that respect. There are elements of
Scissor Sisters in there,
Depeche Mode too, not forgetting New Order. Its not too heavy and over-bearing but it's also sharp, crisp and to the point. It knows what it is, it knows what it isn't - a trait that will hopefully help it find a place in the market.
"He enjoys adding changes and diversity to his sound through experimentation and ongoing influences. Adding to his diversity through artistic expression, he incorporates works of the visual arts into his projects".
Esglo is currently working and developing his music through his own recording studio, Dreamtime Productions.
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Available for purchase on iTunes, Amazon etc. Esglo's artist ID on iTunes is
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