New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Kronos Quartet has shared a video for "One Earth, One People, One Love," the final movement of Sun Rings, the group's groundbreaking 2002 collaboration with composer Terry Riley of which Nonesuch released the first full recording earlier this year. (This week also marks the 30th anniversary of Kronos Quartet's first full-length Riley album for Nonesuch,
Salome Dances for Peace.) Directed by Willie Williams, the new video was made by Treatment Studios for the Sun Rings multimedia live show, which Kronos has performed nearly fifty times in eleven countries and eighteen states. Kronos first performed Sun Rings seventeen years ago this month and will perform it throughout the 2019-20 concert season, including at McMaster University in Ontario on November 9 and at the
George Washington University in Washington, DC, presented by Washington Performing Arts, on March 13.
On Sun Rings, Riley incorporates into his composition "space sounds" (plasma waves) that physicist Don Gurnett had collected during NASA probe missions, as well as a choir - Volti on the album - that represents, in his words, "the voice of humanity in its struggle to understand the meaning of our place in this unfathomable universe." Musical
America calls it "a spaceship that faces ahead into the planets but also looks back toward its starting point on Earth."
To pick up a copy of Sun Rings, head to your local music shop, iTunes, Amazon, or the Top40-Charts Store; it can also be heard on Spotify and Apple Music.
The "One Earth, One People, One Love" film was commissioned for the Kronos Quartet by the
National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support was provided by Treatment Studio, London.