New York, NY (Top40 Charts) The Deceived is a modern take on a classic psychological thriller. The drama follows English student, Ophelia, who falls in love with her charismatic lecturer, Michael. Following the accidental death of Michael's wife, Ophelia moves to Ireland to be with him, just as suspicions around his wife's death start to grow. As Ophelia finds herself taking the place of a dead woman, she must discover whether it is the ghost of Michael's wife haunting her, or her own guilt
The Deceived puts a modern woman at the heart of a gothic romance where nothing is as it seems, and asks the question: to what extent, if any, should you put your trust in someone else, even when circumstances threaten to drive you mad?
Do you believe in ghosts? Don't miss the thrilling premiere of The Deceived, July 18 on #STARZ.
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