Los Angeles, CA / Nashville, TN(VETERAN AWARDS / VETERANS FOUNDATION INC.) – Who's got the 'LOOK' that's Hollywood hot and supports our troops, too? Hilary Duff, Tracy Byrd,
Dennis Miller,
Michael Bolton and Geraldo Rivera does! Everyone is looking for a meaningful way to show support for our troops and the 'LOOK' bracelet is a simple way to express that support daily.
'What you are doing over there dwarves any other human endeavor,' said Dennis in a recent taped greeting to the troops. An avid supporter of our men and women in uniform, Dennis proudly sports his 'LOOK' bracelet.
Hand crafted from the finest Italian Moretti glass, this yellow-ribbon–colored unisex bracelet, made with silver or gold beads, features the signature 'five eye' pattern. 'The protective power of the 'eye' will surround the wearer with positive energy and protect them from evil,' says, Annette Wright, designer of the 'LOOK' bracelet and a military spouse. Wrights partner, Houston attorney W. Robert Brown, a Marine Corps Korean War veteran, says, 'This is the perfect way to honor and protect our military heroes!'
The Support Our Troops 'LOOK' bracelet is featured in Military Spouse Magazine. The bracelet is the new 'IT' to wear in support of our troops.
A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of each bracelet benefits Veterans Foundation Incorporated. VFI, a 25-year-old nationally recognized nonprofit, nonpolitical 501(c)(3) organization that raises awareness, volunteerism and support for our active duty, guard and reserve, veteran and retiree service members, military spouses and their families.
Other celebrities sporting the 'LOOK' in support of our troops include Pauly Shore, Cole Evan Weiss, Kimaya & Monty Seward, Gerald McRaney, and Steve Bridges 'The President,' to name a few.
'LOOK' bracelets available at www.avashow.com