LOS ANGELES, CA. (Merle Haggard) - As Chet Flippo recently stated on CMT.COM, "Haggard is not afraid to speak his mind. And he does so again, very frankly, in the song 'America First.' 'That's the News,' his 2003 song commenting on Iraq, pretty much chastised the government and the media for swallowing the administration's spin that the war was over and won. Now he moves on to the matter of the US in Iraq, period. 'America First' is pretty honest and blunt:" AMERICA FIRST Written by Merle Haggard Why don't we liberate these United States We're the ones who need it the worst Let the rest of the world help us for a change And let's rebuild America first Our highways and bridges are falling apart Who's blessed and who has been cursed There's things to be done all over the world But let's rebuild America first Who's on the hill and who's watching the valley Who's in charge of it all God bless the Army and God bless our liberty Dadgum the rest of it all Yea, men in position but backing away Freedom is stuck in reverse Let's get out of Iraq and get back on the track And let's rebuild America first Why don't we liberate these United States We're the ones who need it the most You think I'm blowing smoke Boys it ain't no joke I make twenty trips a year from coast to coast Chet continues, "As a revered country music pioneer - and as an American citizen - Haggard has earned the right to speak out. I think it's laudable that he does so when many other country artists feel - rightly so, unfortunately, in many cases - that to do so would jeopardize their careers with retail and radio. They're probably right. It would risk harm to their careers. Haggard isn't worried about that anymore. Good for him, agree with him or not. Country music was built on frankness and honesty. It still needs frankness and honesty." CMT.COM 10/13/05 Look for Merle in the new issue of GQ and next week's Entertainment Weekly.