Atlanta, GA. (Urban D PR Team) - Atlanta-based Holy Hip Hop Music announced today that it has entered into a multi-year Strategic Alliance to exclusively distribute, as a part of its Agreement with EMI Gospel, Tampa-based Crossover Community Church Renowned Minister of the Gospel: Urban D. "Urban D, Founder of the World's First Hip Hop Church - Crossover Community Church, has sold thousands of albums over the past several years, through consistently effective grassroots marketing efforts (with a passionate fan-base), combined with powerful ministry and lyrics that inspire, uplift and edify the soul. Recently featured in the USA Today, Urban D is a recognized and respected leader in Street Ministry Evangelism and also has an upcoming national book release titled: Unorthodox... Where Hip-Hop meets the Church. EMI Gospel and Holy Hip Hop Music are proud to be in covenant with Urban D and very excited about Urban D's upcoming September 2006 CD Release to be distributed worldwide by EMI Gospel," said Panchetta Harris, General Manager-Holy Hip Hop Music. Come and Hear Pastor Tommy Kyllonen preach and see the Flavor.Alliance Break-Dancers, during 2006 Holy Hip Hop Week - For more information, click here: https://www.HolyHipHop.com For more information on Crossover Community Church, Flavor.Alliance and Pastor Tommy Kyllonen, go to: https://www.FlavorAlliance.com To Read More (entire USA Today article) about Urban D and Crossover Community Church, Click Here: USA Today (or copy/paste the following link into your web-browser: https://www.usatoday.com/life/2005-11-27-hip-hop-church_x.htm).