NEW YORK (URB1 Magazine) - URB1 Magazine, "sibling" publication of the 1st Hip Hop fashion website URB1.COM, has finally found a major urban fashion retail store chain to call home. Gen-X Stores Inc., a retail chain with forty stores and growing rapidly since 1998, has contracted and engaged in a venture with the Urban and Hip Hop fashions magazine.
"This is the beginning of success. The demand for both URB1's publications is growing and has excelled since ground zero. Due to online availabilities in the hip hop community, URB1 Magazine is a necessity. The executives at GenX know URB1's track record and want to utilize the magazine to their advantage," says the CEO for both URB1 publications, Rodrick Rainey.
Two of the company's executives met in Las Vegas during the MAGIC fashion convention this past February. Meeting for the first time, it was decided Gen-X stores would distribute 1,000 copies of URB1 Magazine.
Moving forward with plans to launch an online GenX store, the multi-million dollar company found URB1.COM and URB1 Magazine to be the hosts of their target audience.
Also guaranteeing a direct relationship with URB1.COM in the near future, GenX plans to become a major urban fashion retail competitor online. Investing millions into a coming advertisement campaign, all buyers from their online store will receive a copy of URB1 magazine compliments of the GenX company.
'I think the partnership with GenX is definitely something that's going to last for a long time. You have a company like GenX that's quickly expanding and URB1 Magazine that's filling a much needed void in the coverage of hip-hop fashion. The partnership just seems so natural,' said product placement and review editor, Corey Hutchins.
GenX's online store opening date has yet to be defined specifically. However, the company does want to have it launched by the end of April 2006.
URB1 Magazine's May/June issue will be released late April. Lupe Fiasco is planned to be on the cover, as the company hosted a very interesting, in depth interview with the internationally known, fashionable artist.