PHILADELPHIA, PA (RMD Entertainment Group) - RMD Entertainment Group (OTC: RMDG) announced today that the international hip-hop magazine, Murder Dog, would officially be hitting newsstands early next week. The spring issue is traditionally one of the magazine's most widely circulated issues. CEO Giorgio Costonis will be prominently featured in the multi-page spread along with his perspectives on the future of hip-hop and the impact it is already having on Wall Street. "Our entire philosophy at RMDG reflects what a potent impact the ten billion dollar hip-hop industry is having on Wall Street, we are proof of that. We have worked incredibly hard to establish our credibility and merit in the financial community and the approval from a magazine as widely received as Murder Dog is indicative of how firmly we are established in the hip-hop community. Our focus is on properly introducing the members of the hip-hop community to the benefits of the investment world. Our goal is to offer our fan-base an investment option that they have seen, touched and tasted a million times - Hip-Hop." Look for Murder Dog on your local newsstand or subscribe online at https://murderdog.com/subscribe.html