New York, NY (Roadrunner Records) - Tune into this week's Headbangers Ball, which airs at 10pm EST, Saturday night on MTV2, and watch vids by Trivium, Obituary and Hatbreed, among others. Lacuna Coil are special guests, here's the full playlist: Godsmack - Speak Mastodon - Seabeast Cannibal Corpse - Make Them Suffer D.R.I. - Suit and Tie Guy Cryptopsy - The Pestilence that Walketh In Darkness Burst - Where The Wave Broke Lacuna Coil - Our Truth Hurt - Rapture Hatebreed - To The Threshold Obituary - Insane Trivium - Dying In Your Arms Queensryche - Eyes Of A Stranger F5 - Dissidence The Red Chord - Blue Line Cretin Despised Icon - The Sunset Will Never Charm Us Demiricious - Vagrant Idol Helloween - I want out Norma Jean - Liarsenic: Creating A Universe of Discourse Himsa - Sleazevil