(CD USA) - WHAT: CD USA, DIRECTV's exclusive, weekly original music series will be featuring live performances and interviews this week from Godsmack, Jewel, 30 Seconds to Mars, Ashley Parker Angel, Morningwood, McFly and Nine Black Alps. Behind-the-scenes studio tours and interviews with performers are available. CD USA delivers the largest selection of back-to-back performances currently available on television. The program airs every Saturday at 6 p.m. EST/3 p.m. PST on DIRECTV's channel 101 in both standard- and high-definition. WHO: Above named artists PHOTO/ INTERVIEW OPPS.: - Interviews with bands (by appointment only) - Interviews with three CD USA hosts - Behind-the-scenes tours of CD USA studio - Audience members WHEN: Thursday, May 4 Interviews with bands are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY WHERE: CD USA Studios Tribune Studios/Stage 6 5800 W. Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, Calif. 90028 CONTACT: You must schedule a time to interview the bands. To reserve your time, call or e-mail: Danielle Kowalski, CD USA Publicist [email protected] (973) 715-7299