Orchard Park (LEAD DOG COMMUNICATIONS) - Fox Run at Orchard Park (www.foxrunorchardpark.com), a Lifecare Retirement Community dedicated to providing active seniors the freedom to enjoy a full array of lifestyle enhancements, announced today that it will sponsor a series of summer concerts to be held at Exquisite Taste Restaurant, 4109 Buffalo St., Orchard Park. The concerts will feature Orchard Park resident Ann Van De Water, who will perform show tunes, timeless classics and golden oldies from the 1950s and 1960s. The free concerts will take place on August 20 and September 17, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.; food and drinks will be available for purchase. 'We are excited to sponsor what I am sure will be a fun, family-oriented series of concerts throughout the summer,' said Christina Abt, director of Marketing. 'Ann is a great entertainer, Exquisite Taste is a fantastic restaurant, and it is always nice to be able to support the people and businesses of our community. So, we encourage everyone to join in this wonderful, entertaining way to spend a summer Sunday afternoon. ' Exquisite Sundays Summer Concert Series: When: August 20 and September 17 Where: Exquisite Taste Restaurant, 4109 Buffalo St. Orchard Park. What: Ann Van De Water performing show tunes, timeless classics and golden oldies from the 1950s and 1960s Time: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.