New York, NY (By Abbye Simkowitz/ St. Martin's Press) – It was revealed on Friday, August 11 that members of the band
My Chemical Romance are not in the hospital or maimed beyond recognition as was previously speculated. As reported by the Associated Press, the band had canceled their show in San
Diego two weekends ago, prompting rumors that they were in a traffic accident or other mishap.
In a statement on their website, the band explains that while shooting a new video, singer Gerard Way tore multiple ligaments in his ankle and drummer Bob Bryar was burned badly on his leg. 'There were no car wrecks, monster attacks, or alien abductions,' lead singer and comic book enthusiast, Gerard Way, commented.
Tragedy and bad situations are nothing new in My Chemical Romance's short history. In November 2003, after his grandmother passed away, lead singer Gerard Way began having a public meltdown. The singer began heavily abusing alcohol and drugs and his reckless behavior began to have a negative impact on the band's success. As reported last year by Spin magazine, during a gig in Kentucky a wasted Way hid under the stage and refused to sing or even emerge from his hiding place - much to the chagrin of his fellow bandmates. The now-sober Way told Spin, 'I was terrified to be sober onstage for an entire tour. I felt like Spiderman without the mask. But now I feel more dangerous and sharp than ever.'
Despite Way's sobriety, My Chemical Romance sometimes attracts fans known for their drunken, anti-social antics. In a new book published last month by St. Martin's Press - 'Confessions from the Velvet Ropes: The Glamorous, Grueling Life of Thomas Onorato, New York's Top Club Doorman' by Glenn Belverio - a story details the night a crazed fan stalked the band at the popular and exclusive Manhattan nightclub, MisShapes.
In the book, Stolen Transmission record label founder Sarah Lewitinn gives an eyewitness account: 'I was hanging out with Mikey and Gerard in the DJ booth, and this girl comes back and stands directly in front of the booth....she was holding onto the glass shield, staring at them and crying. She was gawking at them like they were circus animals!'
The book's main subject, doorman Thomas Onorato, witnessed the girl being ousted from the club by bouncers after she refused to leave the band alone. 'She passed out in front of the club,' Onorato relates. 'An ambulance came and the paramedics strapped her to a board and took her away. It was very dramatic.'
My Chemical Romance are not the only celebrites in 'Confessions from the Velvet Ropes' who are plagued with drama and bad luck. The book – which made the Barnes and Noble national bestseller list last month –- also contains accounts of a disastrous Kimora Lee Simmons fashion show, angry neighbors pelting guests (including George Bush's niece) with eggs at Adrien Brody's birthday party, and the night Courtney Love was arrested during her infamous performance at the club Plaid.
My Chemical Romance will release a new, as-yet-unnamed, album this October.
'Confessions from the Velvet Ropes' is available now at Barnes and Noble, Borders, and Amazon.com