LOS ANGELES (Geffen Records) - Yo what's up yall. Happy New Year! '07 is here and I gotsta do it to the fullest. Just to keep u posted on what's been crackin… I just finished up the Scream 5 tour. And for those who city I came to I hope u enjoyed the performance. But anyways I wanna thank all my fans who supported me in "06". U all help me sell over 1,000,000 ring tones so I need every body out there to go out and cop they own personal Jibbs ft. Jibbs cd. In fact cop 3 copies 1 for the car 1 for the crib And 1 for the plastic cause its a classic. Also look out for me being on tour with Snoop and Diddy in Europe in February.. Its not finished yet, you'll be seeing a lot more of the Big Big Kid doing Big things. So holla at ya boyyyyyy!