LOS ANGELES (Nelly Fans Website) - It worked for Will Smith and now Nelly is giving it a shot. At some undisclosed time in the future, Nelly is set to begin shooting a sitcom for Paramount Network Television according to a movie magazine. There�s no title, no premise, and basically no details at all at this time but we�ll fill you when we hear anything. One thing is for sure, if the popularity of �Nellyville� is any indication, Paramount will have a hit on their hands. Nelly�s latest CD is enjoying its second week at number one on the US charts. Nelly recently spoke about writing �Work It� for the Justin Timberlake duet on 'ellyville.' I don't want Justin singing about my 'hood or about diamond rings and chains and cars because that wouldn't be believable,� said Nelly. The solution? They sing about girls.