BERLIN, Germany (Deutsche Welle, Euromaxx Press Release)
euromaxx - DW-TV's new daily magazine show. Seven days a week, 365 days a year, bringing you the latest on lifestyle in Europe.
Now, DW-TV viewers across the world can enjoy images and stories which reflect the rich variety of life in Europe. euromaxx will provide an insight on Europe and the people who live in it, countries and customs, society and celebrities, atmosphere and everyday life.
euromaxx is as multi-facetted as Europe itself: an entertaining kaleidoscope of people, places and palaces, lifestyle and luxury; culture, concerts and cadences, music and metropolises, style, culture, fashion, music and much, much more. All this packed into 25 minutes of reports, features and interviews.
euromaxx will include a variety of regular features and series: Once a week "euromaxx deluxe" will take you on a tour of one of Europe's top addresses. Viewers can keep up with the continent's top hits in "euromaxx charts". And "euromaxx a la carte" will whet your appetite with culinary flavours from around Europe.
euromaxx will be launched with the travelogue "euromaxx on tour". From July to September, young euromaxx reporters will be journeying from the North Cape to Gibraltar - 11 000 kilometres from the northernmost point of the European mainland to the southernmost point, passing through 16 European countries. The euromaxx reporters will be camera team, explorers and tourists in one. Every week, they'll be bringing us a number of reports from places along the way. "euromaxx on tour" will be visiting numerous exciting locations, including the "Oiva" hotel belonging to cult Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki, the Swedish headquarters of Ikea in Almult, a school for seaplane pilots on Lake Como in Italy and Europe's highest camp site in Chamonix, Switzerland. Throughout this summer, "euromaxx on tour" will highlight Europe's cultural diversity.
euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe will be hosted by Karin Helmstaedt and Robin Merill, two experienced TV presenters with proven journalistic abilities. In the Berlin euromaxx studios, the show's presenters will talk to a wide range of fascinating guests from around Europe.
DW-TV has collaborated with the internationally renowned graphic design agency "velvet" to produce a sophisticated look for "euromaxx". The show from the heart of Europe doesn't just talk about style and design - with its sleek modern look it is also an expression of the latest creative trends. The new show will match and surpass the very high design standards DW-TV has attained in the past, for which the Berlin-based broadcaster has already won numerous awards.
euromaxx will be the first TV magazine programme to report on European events 365 days a year. Germany's international television service will present today's Germany within the context of the ongoing European integration process, continuing to stress the nation's important role in international and intercultural dialogue. DW-TV is the only international channel to provide such a strong focus on German and European topics.
DW-TV began broadcasting news, information and cultural affairs eleven years ago. It can be received directly via satellite by more than 200 million households around the world. Hundreds of TV stations rebroadcast DW-TV programming. Twenty-two million viewers tune in on a weekly basis. euromaxx will continue DW-TV's commitment to quality content and strengthen its unique position in the international media market: DW-TV - at the heart of Europe.
German edition/info:
euromaxx on tour
mit DW-TV vom Nordkap bis Gibraltar
with DW-TV from the North Cape to Gibraltar
Ab dem 30. Juni 2003 gibt "euromaxx" richtig Gas. Zum Sendestart des neuen taglichen Magazins von DW-TV beginnt auch die Reihe "euromaxx on tour". DW-TV-Reporter reisen durch Europa und berichten von unterwegs fur das neue Magazin "euromaxx". Das Projekt in Zahlen: ein Wohnmobil, zwei TV-Reporter, 16 europaische Lander, 11200 Kilometer.
Die dreimonatige Tour fuhrt quer durch Europa: vom Nordkap bis Gibraltar - vom nordlichsten Punkt des europaischen Festlandes in den Suden der iberischen Halbinsel. Durch diese Lander fahrt das "euromaxx"-Wohnmobil: Norwegen, Finnland, Schweden, Danemark, Niederlande, Gro?britannien, Belgien, Luxemburg, Deutschland, Schweiz, Italien, Monaco, Frankreich, Andorra, Portugal und Spanien
Die jungen DW-TV-Reporter nehmen die Zuschauer mit auf die Reise und zeigen Ihnen die Vielfalt Europas. Dabei sind sie Kamerateam, Entdecker und Touristen zugleich. Auf ihrer Tour drehen sie jede Woche zwei bis drei Fernsehberichte. "euromaxx on tour" besucht spannende Orte: Das Hotel "Oiva", das dem finnischen Kult-Regisseur Aki Kaurismaki gehort, die Ikea-Zentrale im schwedischen Almhult, eine Wassersportflugzeugschule am italienischen Comersee oder den hochsten Campingplatz Europas im schweizerischen Chamonix. Neben diesen geplanten Reportagen erleben die Fernsehzuschauer auch Geschichten, die sich auf der Reise ergeben, zufallige Begegnungen und Situationen. "euromaxx on tour" zeigt Europa in seinen Facetten im Sommer 2003.