NEW YORK (www.diddyrunsthecity.com) - P. Diddy has been training the past eight weeks for the New York City Marathon! P. Diddy Combs hopes to raise $1 million for three children-focused groups with his run. The race, sponsored by ING, is on Nov. 2. Last year, more than 31,000 people entered the 26.2-mile event. The top finisher crossed the finish line in just over 2 hours and 8 minutes. Combs is running up to 15 miles now, a spokeswoman said. The beneficiaries of Combs' efforts are the Children's Hope Foundation, city public schools and Daddy's House Social Programs, which was founded by Combs. He hopes to raise the money though a combination of corporate and private donations (Nike, MTV, McDonald's and Footlocker). Combs also released a hotline and a Web site where people could make donations: 877-RUN-DIDDY (877-786-3433) and www.diddyrunsthecity.com
Richard Finn, a spokesman for New York Road Runners, which organizes the race, said, "It's great, we welcome him. He said more than 70,000 people applied for a spot in this year's race, and the starting field will be between 30,000 and 33,000 people. Runners in the marathon are chosen by lottery".