VANCOUVER, Canada (iTunes/Sarah McLachlan Official Website) - Sarah McLachlan's " Fallen" is the first single from her first new studio album in six years, Afterglow. The track is receiving considerable radio airplay, and is the No1 single at the Apple iTunes Music Store. Afterglow is due in stores November 4. The video for " Fallen" is being shot in McLachlan's home city of Vancouver by director Paul Fedor, who previously directed the "Game Of Love" video with Santana and Michelle Branch. McLachlan explained in her official newsletter last week "that "Fallen" is about not being able to correct some mistakes. It's just basically about making mistakes and finding out too late that you can't step back - that you can't come back from some of these mistakes," McLachlan said. Afterglow is McLachlan's first studio album since 1997's Surfacing. In the time between albums, McLachlan lost her mother to cancer, and five months later gave birth to her daughter India. "A lot of these songs are about transition. 'Afterglow' is all about love and loss... that's my truth. It's honest, and it brought me to a much happier place. I'm loving music again." McLachlan said in her official website.