NEW YORK (RnB magazine) - Hip hop culture originated from the streets of New York City. Combining history and some DIY indie work ethic, Toronto hip hop acts Cryogenics, Logical Ethix, Kamau and Unkown Mizery are truly hustling their music by selling it on downtown street corners. MC Kal-Q-Lus explains: "We basically bring our music to the streets, and we won't wait for some record label to come and push us, because that hardly ever happens. We have to take our music into our own hands." Ludacris started by selling his CDs on his own. He said "you know, you start kind of doing it yourself and then I hooked up with an independent distributor ... it started expanding and it would move on." Ludacris sold 50,000 copies of his album 'Incognegro' independently.