NEW YORK (Eminem Fan Websites) - Eminem fans will get to hear some of his lyrics that are at the center of a rap-world racial storm - after a Manhattan judge yesterday loosened a temporary restraining order over the controversial material. Federal Judge Gerald Lynch authorized the so-called rap bible "The Source" magazine to publish up to 20 seconds of a tape Slim Shady recorded sometime between 1988 and 1993. The previously unreleased recording includes racially charged lyrics like "black girls are dumb" and "white girls are good chicks." Eminem sued owners of "The Source" last week over their plans to release the entire tape, which features two of his songs, as a bonus CD in the magazine. The magazine's owners have used the recording to brand Eminem a racist. A lawyer for "The Source" said the CDs would go out in the magazine's February issue, which hits newsstands Jan. 12. A lawyer for Eminem, Donald David, backed the judge's decision after "The Source" lawyers argued for permission to publish much larger excerpts. Eminem has apologized for the lyrics, saying he made them as a teenager "out of anger, stupidity and frustration" after breaking up with a black girlfriend.