New York, NY (Top40 Charts/ Wu-Tang International) In the early nineties, John Gibbons, the president and CEO of Wu-Tang Management and known to the industry, family and friends as "Mook", helped turn the unknown Wu-Tang to unprecedented acclaim multi-platinum selling industry leaders of today.
In 1991, Wu-Tang was merely RZA's dream, but the now multi-platinum producer brought his dream to his cousin the dream maker-Mook, who with his traditional college and non-traditional street education, was already experiencing success from his own private entertainment business venture, party and club promotions. Operating mainly behind the scenes, Mook used many informal and grass roots strategies to get his artists recordnized.
Before Wu-tang had a deal, Mook singlehandedly sold more than 50,00 unit's of their very first CD. Showcasing them in a major industry conference such as "How can I be down?" and conventions, getting them local airplay and publicity in newspapers articles and radio stations, touring state to state at various college campuses etc.
Mook successfully orchestrated the structure 'Wu-Tang' as we see and know today. With nine artists to produce, market and promote, he assembled producers whose professional and creative skills show many talents and diverse experience. The end result: profit deals, contracts and multiplatinum artists.
With a vision to add on to the brand and maintain the longevity of the brand, Mook also created the infamous Protect Ya Neck productions and label alongside Wu-Tang Management and these companies were responsible for the likes of Deadly Venoms, MMO, KGB and a host of artists that added on to the Wu legacy. Having taken some time out of the industry, the creative mind of Mook has returned in person to do what he does best, manage talents, create opportunities and bring to life ideas that will keep the Wu-Tang brand and movement (aka the Wuvement; a term he invented and likes using) alive. From the much talked about "Next 9 Generals" competition to Wu World Radio, the DJ coalition, Wu-Tang TV to a host of others, it's easy to see how and why this man was one of the masterminds behind the greatest legacy in hip-hop today, Wu-tang!
Find out as Wu-International chops it up with Mook, and covers everything the fans ever wanted to know, who and what makes an individual Wu-Tang (an issue Wu-International tried to address early this month with 9th Prince), who are part of Wu-Tang management? the position with Watchmen, controversial Next 9 general competition, Wu-tang's history, The RZA, Protect Ya Neck, Deadly Venoms, and everything, literally everything the fans wanted to find out about, it's a long well worth educative read, so sit back, smack a Wu CD on and enjoy the ride, you can thank us later, Enjoy!!!
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