NEW YORK (3 Doors Down Fans Website) - Not guilty! That's the verdict for Escatawpa rocker Todd Harrell. Harrell, the bass player for the group "Three Doors Down," went to Moss Point Municipal Court Tuesday afternoon to face an assault charge. "I hate two things, and that's a liar and a thief," Harrell said. "I don't want to be called either one of them." Newspaper deliveryman Ronnie Boulware accused Harrell of stealing papers at the Cheep-O-Depot Gas Station in Escatapwa March 5th. Things escalated and Boulwar accused Harrell of kicking him in the groin and then punching him twice. "I was talking with him and then the next thing I knew he had kicked me and knocked me to the ground. I felt like once I was beat to the ground, and my wife came and tried to rescue me, I had a right to go get a weapon because I felt threatened by Mr. Harrell," Boulware said. "I felt like that was the only option I had." Harrell said Boulware was provoking him, and that he only acted in self-defense. "I guess being in the position that we're in, I think people are kind of gunning for you. Having the success that we've had in the band... people just kind of go for that. I think it was a case of somebody wanting a check for nothing," Harrell said.
The judge ruled Harrell acted in self defense during a fight with a newspaper deliveryman. A weapons charge is still pending for the newspaper delivery man for allegedly pulling a gun on Harrell.