Los Angeles, CA (Top40 Charts/ SPACE UP GROUP) Not only is H.I.S.D's most recent album, The Weakend, a high minded concept album, H.I.S.D. is a high minded group. The Hueston Independent Spit District aka H.I.S.D. arrived on the red carpet for the ESPY Playboy pre-party classic and later stunned the star studded Boulevard 3 audience with a stellar performance. H.I.S.D. consists of Emcees;
Scottie Spitten, Savvi, and Equality; DJ/Photographer Jason "Flash Gordon" Parks, and Producer King Midas. Collectively they have interrupted Hip Hop and started a renaissance with the Space Up movement.
CEO of Space Up Group Pierre Jones states, "Everybody is doing the same thing so H.I.S.D. created something new that people of all ages could relate to while still elevating Hip Hop. To Space Up means to go, or the act of going, to a higher level and we start that process by changing the negative verbage in Hip Hop with language that H.I.S.D is developing."
There are five steps to Spacing Up.
1) Be Seen Green - A state of bringing value to your community / environment and / or being known for enriching the lives of others.
2) Don't forget your Lando - Your individual flyness. Also known as 'The Glow'. Taken from the flyness that Billy D. Williams displays and brought to the Star Wars character Lando Calrissian.
3) Take your Cranberry - New beginning in life. The state of being cleansed and refreshed. Starting anew.
4) Keep Rockin - The state of feeling good or better than normal.
5) Beware of the Automatics - A robot that's programmed to exploit your weakness. Also takes the form of any temptation or distraction that may take you off of your path.
VP of Space Up Group Jay Bauer states, "After the first album, The District, and the EP called Summer Session, a natural progression occurred with the story that H.I.S.D. is telling with the Space Up movement. H.I.S.D. received co-signs from Quest Love of the Roots, Ali Shaheed Muhammad of A Tribe Called Quest, and Phonte of Little Brother/Foreign Exchange. Now H.I.S.D. has a comic book that will be released at Comic Con 2011 in San Diego and a movie in development. The Space Up movement is real and has strong legs."
VP of Space Up group Willie Stewart states, "H.I.S.D. is in talks with representatives from Joint One Radio in Tokyo, Japan to arrange a tour across Asia. H.I.S.D. already has some sponsors in place and will let the world know when Asia will get Spaced Up. Hip Hop is not dead, it has been Spaced Up and it's defenders are H.I.S.D."