NEW YORK (Penguin Group press release) - Alicia Keys, Grammy Award-winning and international critically acclaimed artist, to publish a memoir based on her diaries and a songbook of poems and lyrics with G.P. Putnam's Sons.
Carole Baron, President of G.P. Putnam's Sons, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), today announced the acquisition of THE DIARY OF ALICIA KEYS by five-time Grammy winner
Alicia Keys as well as a SONGBOOK of poems and lyrics.
David Highfill, senior editor, G.P. Putnam's Sons, acquired North American and audio rights to the titles. The SONGBOOK will be published by Putnam in hardcover in November 2004, with a Berkley paperback edition coming in 2005.
THE DIARY OF ALICIA KEYS will be published in hardcover by Putnam in Fall 2005, with a Berkley paperback edition to follow in 2006.
Alicia Keys is a devoted reader of books, classical and contemporary, and she is genuinely committed to "keeping it real" when relating to others and charting her path in life. Her lyrics are a strong testament to that fact.
Her DIARY will be a unique reflection of her childhood in New York's Hell's Kitchen, the daughter of a single mother, her very early musical education and growing skill, and her phenomenal rise to pop stardom. She sees the value of loyalty, integrity, courage and determination, and that belief has influenced her music and in turn the world.
Alicia Keys' debut album, Songs in A Minor, catapulted her into the music limelight when it debuted at No 1 on music charts and stayed in the top 20 for 29 weeks. Over ten million copies of the album have been sold worldwide and she has won five Grammy Awards, in addition to a plethora of other accolades.
Her sophomore album, The Diary of Alicia Keys, sold more than 617,000 copies in its debut week in December 2003 and has currently sold more than 2.7 million copies. Not only is she a commercial success, but she also enjoys high critical acclaim for her work and is known for her strong vision.