NEW YORK (Shaft Entertainment) - Are we currently losing too many young people to drugs, violence, and sexually transmitted diseases? Studies show that 2.5 million children under the age of 15 are living with HIV and 3,643 children under the age of 19 died of gun related injuries in 2000. We at Shaft Entertainment feel these rates are extremely alarming which is why we, in collaboration with our newest artist, Paris Diamond, have created a valuable tool to help children make the right decisions. Shaft Entertainment as well as Paris Diamond, want to change the negative perception people have of hip-hop music. We are one of the few record labels showing that there is positivity in hip-hop. 15 year-old hip-hop artist, Paris Diamond, brings maturity and intelligence to hip-hop culture through his fun and educational comic book, targeted at children ages 10 and up. Paris states, "I felt that my generation needed something they could relate to that would also provide a positive message." The comic book, entitled "What If?", features Paris Diamond in a variety of situations dealing with drugs, sex, and violence. The book presents several scenarios and asks the reader questions such as, "what if Paris Diamond used drugs?" The different scenarios provide examples and consequences to help educate young children about the negative things they may face as they mature. The book uses facts, definitions, and statistics about STD's, drugs, and violence in a way that is understandable as well as interesting to the reader. If used in the classroom, "What If?" will serve as a fun and educational resource to inform young people about making decisions � the right decisions. Parents can also use "What If?" in the home to provide an entertaining yet resourceful tool for their kids. Paris Diamond's image is one that you will want your child to direct his or her attention toward because he reflects positivity and intelligence. Visit https://www.ParisDiamond.com to purchase "What If" and to get more information on Paris Diamond.