WHASINGTON, DC (www.truegritrecords.50megs.com/ CD Baby) - P.A.T., a humble underground rap artist currently living near Washington D.C. and finishing up an enlistment in the U.S. Navy, has released his first solo independent album. This album is for people who like rap as well as people who have very eclectic tastes in music. P.A.T. produces, writes, and performs all his own songs and gives listeners thought provoking lyrics as well as powerfully crafted instrumentals. What separates P.A.T.'s style from a lot of mainstream rap is that he doesn't claim to lead a fantasy life. He's an average guy leading a very average life, but conveys deep insights into a variety of topics through soulful rap music. P.A.T. is sure you'll like his music if you give it a fair chance and if you are one of the many of us that grow every day more and more tired with the fluff on rap radio. You've got to check him out!