New York, NY (Top40 Charts) The Rap Artist best known as Iman S. (also his Real name) was born and raised in Denver, Colorado in the North-East section known as Park hill. Iman was initially influenced by gang/street life, and didn't see his own potential in Rap until years later. In Fact Rap was not even his first passion. Iman was more interested in business and Fashion. So much so he enrolled in Texas Southern University, In Houston, TX as a Fashion Retail Management student.
During his year and a half as a student Iman ended up making connections that would not only jump start his fashion career but his Rap career as It stands today! Iman ended up getting a job as an Executive Assistant & Liaison at the company I STYLE STARZ ENT. During this time Iman worked New York Fashion Week, built relationships with not only influential rap personalities but many rappers he often listened to hustling in his Park hill upbringing.
Fast Forward to early 2007 Iman Linked up with a well Know DJ in his City which "Jump Started" his buzz as a MC not only Locally but throughout out the whole Southwest Region. While working together the two were able to pump out 30 plus videos as well as 3 mix tapes, two of which came with a DVD that documented the Road Iman was not only traveling but creating his own lane in. In his second Project Titled "No Subliminal Dvd/Mix tape" Iman was Fortunate to have Features and visual drops from Artist such as Wacka Flocka, Lil Duval, Glasses Malone, Super Producer Drumma Boy, Swag, & Judge the Boss just to name a few.
Currently, Iman S. has six mix tapes out to his credit. All put out independently under his own Label, No Halftime Inc. his lyrical bravado and swagg on the mic has not only kept the fans on the edge of their seats but wanting more! Iman stresses the Importance of "Being yourself!" He believes that is what got him as far as he has come thus far. In spite of a few bumps in the road and past record deals falling off the table, and changing Management. Iman has a promising Career Ahead of him, & invites you All to Join him on his journey!
For interviewsand Drops Contact Tara at [email protected]
Follow him on twitter @IMANSDOPE