NASHVILLE, TN. (Arista Nashville) - Arista Nashville newcomer Ryan Tyler has already garnered a great deal of fan and radio acclaim for her powerful new single, "The Last Thing She Said," and that feedback continues with a rave review in the July 3 issue of Billboard. Co-written by Tyler, the song's emotional storyline takes flight with her delivery, as Billboard hails, "Tyler has a strong, textured voice, and she delivers the lyric convincingly - infusing the song with the right amount of drama. It's a sensitive, evocative performance that signals the arrival of a major new talent."
Meanwhile, Tyler continues to make friends on the road and lit up a soggy 4th of July in Florida, where she moved her show off the streets and on the air after a lengthy downpour and heavy lightning derailed an outdoor performance at the All American 4th celebration at Ormond Beach, near Daytona. Attempting to wait out the storm for nearly three hours, Tyler, two guitarists, label promotion rep Jeri Detweiler, and Froggy 99.9 Program Director Jeff Davis holed up on site in a Buick Rendezvous, passing the time with their own in-car jam before the weather finally forced a shift to the airwaves, where Tyler kicked some extra sparkle into the 4th with a live, 30-minute station performance.
WKLB Boston (Country 99.5) also welcomed the Georgia beauty recently, as the only female artist to join Tim McGraw, the Warren Brothers, and Big & Rich among the artists performing at the station's sold-out annual festival at the Tweeter Center in Mansfield, MA. WKLB Music Director Ginny Rogers offered glowing comments about Ryan, stating, "Close to 4,000 fans jammed the side stage to see Ryan for our Country 99.5 Festival this weekend.
Most of them knew every word to 'The Last Thing She Said' because we played the single so much before the event. Ryan was a joy to work with and despite a downpour of rain, the fans stood in line to get her autograph for over an hour after her show. Ryan mesmerized our listeners and our staff. We've had great feedback on her festival performance and her single.
Ryan will continue to have our support. If anyone isn't a believer, call me and I'll tell you firsthand how 'The Last Thing She Said' works!"
For appearances, news, and more information on Ryan, visit www.ryantyler.net.