New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Look up! Something cosmic is coming to Rocket League in Season 5. As an invasion prepares to land in Psyonix's 'soccar' game on November 17, we've been given access to top-secret documents that warn of the terrifying transformations ahead. A new arena variant, and exciting new Rocket Pass items are looming.
Whoever the invaders are, they're here to make things significantly more menacing. They've taken over one of the game's Arenas, Starbase Arc. The orbital arena has been transformed into a mysterious, darkened variation known as Starbase Arc (Aftermath).
Another casualty of the invasion is Nexus. It was a ship protecting Starbase Arc before the invasion, but the cadet was captured and transformed into a Rocket League participant by the sinister forces at play. It's unlockable with the Season 5 Rocket Pass Premium, and later tiers will unlock the variant called Nexus SC.
The Rocket Pass has a number of cosmically changed items for you to collect as you play. Hyperspace Animated Decal that transform with your car's speed. The Goal Explosion, Cosmosis, is the most transformative one we've ever seen.
The day following Season 5's launch will add a new Limited Time Mode, Heatseeker Ricochet. In Heatseeker Ricochet, every touch from the car or the backboard sends the ball speeding towards your opponent's goal. The update's new Arenas, Barricade, Colossus, and Hourglass, adds obstacles that ricochet the ball around Arenas.
All this and more lands in Rocket League on November 17.