Las Vegas, (Wynn Las Vegas) - WHO: Wynn Las Vegas presents the highly anticipated musical soundtrack of "Le R�ve," produced by Dragone, featuring 16 original songs composed by Benoit Jutras that accompany the latest aerial spectacular. The mystic melodies feature sounds of electric rhythms, angelic vocals and lyrical embodiment that compliment the powerful sights of "Le R�ve." With a seven piece band, including two vocalists and five musicians, the soundtrack of "Le R�ve" is a musical journey through dreams. WHAT: CD launch and listening party of the musical soundtrack of "Le R�ve" created by Dragone, which will be sold exclusively at the Wynn Las Vegas Show Shop for $24 including tax. "Le R�ve," with its highly visual and evocative approach, delivers a theatrical experience that utilizes the earthy elements of air and water. Performed in Las Vegas' only theatre in-the-round, the audience is enveloped with the sounds, colors and imagery that Dragone translates into a visual feast for the senses. WHEN: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 Media are invited to experience the 7:30 p.m. "Le R�ve" performance with CD launch and listening party to follow in the Chambertin Meeting Room. WHERE: "Le R�ve" Theater inside Wynn Las Vegas 3131 Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 (702) 770-WYNN