Atlanta GA (Innorex Music) My manager and owner of Innorex Three Music, Inc came to me with a beat from INNOREX Music, and asked if I could write to it. John gave me the theme Fly; I began to think about what's Fly and want does it mean to me, and what do people think Fly is. Where I am from Rappers that rap about selling and or doing drugs are looked up to as being Fly. Some people think they are Fly because of what they have, but to me being Fly isn't in the stuff you have or the thing own, it's about who you are as a person, and that is how john was inspired to write the song Fly.
Performer: Malcolm Hollingsworth Songwriter: John Lee Hudson IPI-566800240 Contact : 470-315-3521 [email protected]
My government name is Malcolm Hi'Keem Hollingsworth. I was born January 19th 1995 named after Malcolm Jamal Warner and my stage name is Bright Child. My mother's name is Lisa Cloud, (she is my world). She has been through so much, three stokes putting her in the hospital, and two more the following year put her in a wheel chair. It was very hard at first, but my sister Nika and I are helping her through it. She is learning how to walk again, and we are helping her around the house, and we can depend on our grandma when we need her the most. This is my loving family, and to me we deserve better.
I was born in Atlanta, GA. and lived in Carver Homes for about eight years. After I graduated from Kipp Ways Academy, I started high school at Carver School of the Arts. I begin writing poetry in the 5th grade, and then I begin to rap in the 6th grade after my Mom was in the hospital. Growing up mostly listening to gangster music, I started listening to Old School, R&B, Pop, and even rock. I begin to listen to music because I understand it more than anything else.
Music is now apart of me. My writing will give you something to feel and /or think about. I am asking for my listeners to have an open mind to what I have to say. I love music and if you love good music as much as I do, than I know you will love my writing. And listening to music to day, I know for a fact I have what it take to be the next Big thing (I write every day).
If you want to know me I'm at INNOREX THREE MUSIC compilation (various artists) available on YouTube and playlist
Copyrights year: February 22,2012 SRu1-062-294 United States ISRC:QMKFK1200011. QT2LN2400003 INNOREX MUSIC PUBLISHING Original 771242451/ASCAP WE BUSTIN OUT MUSIC/BMI