New York, NY (Top40 Charts) The California-born songwriter, pianist, composer, and vocalist Gild Walton unveils a new single entitled "Pay For The Pain" via Champagne Therapy
Music Group and Republic Records.
With up-tempo energy, "Pay For The Pain" swings like a pendulum between an infectious beat, handclaps, guitar, and woozy fifties horror flick synth flourishes produced by Champagne Therapy
Music Group founder and GRAMMY Award-nominated multiplatinum powerhouse producer Tommy Brown [Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber]. Simmering to a boiling point on the hook, she bemoans, "I bleed in vain," before asking, "Isn't that the way love goes? Pay for the pain."
On a whim, she shot a direct message to Tommy Brown with her music enclosed. Within ten minutes, conversations about her own artistry began. In the aftermath, she signed to his Champagne Therapy
Music Group and Republic Records. At just 23-years-old, Gild Walton translates life's beauty, pain, and truth into haunting lush pop music inflected with cinematic overtones and poetic lyrics. As a kid, she developed a fascination with the darker side of culture, obsessing over Edward Scissorhands and The Phantom of the Opera in equal measure. Beset with depression and later self-harm, she shuffled through high schools before opting for homeschool. Aspiring to a career as an opera singer, she eventually attended Utah
State University, where she ultimately decided to major in criminal justice with hopes of working in the FBI cybercrime division. However, life took a series of unbelievable twists and turns. Faced with financial hardship, she covered extra expenses by operating a phone sex line, which eventually lead to webcam modeling and sex work. Drugs and alcohol anesthetized the shame, but couldn't save her. Returning to San Diego, she detoxed alone and triumphantly got clean.
That story comes into focus on her debut Bleed in Vain EP—coming soon.