New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Out beyond ideas of right and wrong, there lies a field. I'll meet you there." - Rumi Love without expectations is the most pure form as it holds no bias but due to the complexity of human experience is the most difficult to achieve. You have to forgo all ego and societal pressures and accept wholly the person in front of you.
This is difficult enough with a significant other but exponentially more so with yourself. We hold more bias and expectation without ourselves without ever sharing with the outside world.
We live within our own heads and at times it can feel impossible to escape these expectations.
We must embrace all that is, as it is without expectation of what we think it could be.
Love yourself first then work on everyone else.
Today's premiere for "Love" its a minimalistic yet visually colorful that sees the artist showcasing his skills as a drummer paralleled with some very fun footage.