NEW YORK, NY. (Cantors World) -- In an event unprecedented on the world�s most illustrious opera stage, celebrated liturgical virtuoso Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot will perform a groundbreaking concert at New York�s Metropolitan Opera. The concert will mark the first solo performance by a cantor in the MET�s 123-year history.
“Helfgot Sings ~ Cantorial Classics” will take place on Sunday, December 3, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. Cantor Helfgot will be accompanied by members of the New York Philharmonic conducted by guest maestro Mordechai Sobol, director of Israel�s distinguished Yuval Symphony Orchestra. He will be joined by the 30-member New York Cantorial Philharmonic Chorus directed by Cantor Azi Schwartz. Cantors World, a leading producer of cantorial programs, is coordinating the event.
International humanitarian and Cantors World board member Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf is chairing this event. Special tribute will be paid to scientist and philanthropist Yossi Peleg-Billig for his instrumental role in reviving cantorial music
“With his spellbinding voice and awesome talent, Cantor Helfgot continues to lead the way in today�s revival of liturgical music,” said Cantors World co-founder Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky. “We are honored to bring this once-in-a-lifetime spiritual and cultural event to the home of the world�s finest artistic performances.”
The celebrated Cantor Helfgot has been mesmerizing capacity audiences in concert halls around the world with his hauntingly uplifting voice for 10 years. A child prodigy, Helfgot recorded his first works at the age of eight and has served in prominent synagogues in Israel, Europe and the U.S. He is currently chief cantor at New York�s historic Park East Synagogue. Dubbed the “Jewish Placido Domingo,” he has been likened to the legendary performers of cantorial music�s golden age, including Yossele Rosenblatt, Moshe Koussevitzky and Zavel Kwartin. His three CD�s, Look from Heaven, Avot, and Borchi Nafshi (Bless Hashem O My Soul), have sold in the thousands – numbers unprecedented for this genre of music.
This momentous event signifies the recognition of Cantor Helfgot�s extraordinary talent as on par with opera�s most accomplished singers, and the burgeoning popularity of what is affectionately known as “Jewish soul music.” Part of Jewish tradition for centuries, cantorial music, or chazzanut in Hebrew, has seen a resurgence of interest in recent years across and beyond the religious spectrum. Among its newest fans are young, secular Jews, eager to delve into their religion�s rich cultural heritage, and classical music enthusiasts of all backgrounds who are drawn to its operatic qualities.
Cantor Helfgot will sing some of the greatest cantorial classics of the last century. Tickets range from $50 to $250. Supporter ($500), Sponsor ($1,000), Patron ($5,000) and Benefactor ($10,000) seating are available. For reservations and additional information, contact Cantors World at 718-851-3226 or visit www.CantorsWorld.com.