AUSTIN, Texas (Richard Orange Official Website) - Richard Orange has stumbled over an 18 yr. old Texas girl with a voice and songwriting talent that is so original and pure from the heart that he has taken her under his wing to produce her debut album this summer. Drew Tichnell has a southern rock style compared to a female Skynyrd / Allman Bros. with a modern soul. Richard is best known for his song for Cyndi Lauper (A Hole in my Heart All the Way to China). His recent discovery began after being handed a rough recording of 3 of Drew's many songs on a demo at a golf resort in Louisiana. One listen to the sultry southern rock bluesy voice and untamed stream of conscious lyrics with strong melodical force and he knew this little girl was on her way. Together this collaboration of two different worlds of songwriting will burst on the scene at the end of the summer as Richard and Drew are also co-writing several songs. Heads will be turning when this Texas acoustic rock hits the air waves. More information on this up and coming duo can be found at: