New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Playing slots is a pastime observed globally in the modern world. Slot machines attract so many different types of people. Each person has their own unique playstyle, but most can fit into a few broader categories. Take a look at our top five types of slots players below.
The Sensei is calm and collected. This player knows precisely how much they want to spend playing and sticks to their guns like hair on soap. The Sensei has a set limit that they will cash out at, or walk away if the amount gets too low. This type of player never deviates from the path, even in the heat of a moment.
Loners play slots to get away from the world. Whether it be from their rowdy families or busy workdays, a loner just wants to be left alone. Loners like the distraction of the blinking lights and euphoric soundtracks. This type of player likes to be completely immersed in the casino experience shutting out the rest of the world. Most loners would also benefit from checking out for the finest online slots, where there are no distractions.
Goldilocks are the type of players that move around from one game to the next. They are permanently in search of a game that is just right. Whether the payout is too low or the minimum bet is too high, Goldilocks will change seats until they find the perfect game for them. Once a Goldilocks finds the right game, they can easily morph into a different type of player.
The professional is the one to beat. This is the type of player who knows the stats of all of their favorite games. They have a rough idea of how much the games will pay out and when they might payout. The professional has been known to have three or four machines running simultaneously, hopping between them as if it were a day job. Professionals tend to stay at one machine for so long that they receive complimentary drinks. Professionals gamble for one reason and one reason alone, the jackpot.
The superstitious player is all about tradition. These traditions are usually things that not everyone else watching would understand. Some of the superstitious kind like to touch each of the high-paying symbols on the slot machine screen for extra luck. Some others have a mantra they like to say in their heads or a lucky piece of clothing worn on a previous occasion. One of the most popular practices is giving a coin a good rub on your clothing before you slide it into the machine. Their methods might differ a little, but all superstitious players have one thing in common; they are trying to replicate a previous historic win.
Playing slots is a great way to blow off steam and escape into a world that is just your own. Whether you play for fun or for the mad thrill of chasing a jackpot, try out a few different playstyles and see what fits you best. Who knows, maybe you're a Sensei in training.