ATLANTA, GA. (www.tonydavisgospel.com) - As he lay in the middle of a Los Angeles street near death after being shot several times at close range, Minister Tony Davis had an out-of-body experience where he saw heaven. While witnesses and medical personnel stood in disbelief scrambling to give much-needed CPR and rush him to the hospital, Davis was able to clearly see a brilliant kaleidoscope of heavenly colors and images. This experience is chronicled in great detail in his much-heralded new book, Heaven Is Real. The fascinating book, which has received media attention from outlets across the country, begins with Davis' childhood in Mississippi and goes on to provide a detailed account of Davis, experiences as an up and coming R and B singer nearly falling prey to the trappings of stardom. The book continues with the testimony of Minister Davis' decision to leave the secular music world to pursue a career in ministry and gospel music which has resulted in the release of the three well-received albums and EPs. However, the most startling aspect of the book has also proven to be the most inspirational. The book describes in grave detail a shooting that actually took Minister Davis' life in the streets of South Central Los Angeles. Readers of the book have been awed by the vivid descriptions of the experience as well as the touching story of Davis miraculous recovery. An accompanying DVD documentary provides a stirring reenactment of the shooting and the recovery which occurred after doctors had declared the shooting to be fatal. Reaction to the book has been phenomenal with Davis appearing on local and regional media outlets throughout the country and selling out of inventory at various live speaking engagements. According to Davis, 'When God delivered me after doctors had given up hope, I made a vow that I would share my testimony as a way to inspire hope and stir the faith of folks across the country. Through this book, God has blessed me to share my testimony and touch lives and I hope to continue to do so each and every day of my life. While other colleagues in the music industry have recounted stories of being shot in a manner that glorifies violence, I want my story of triumph to glorify God!' HEAVEN IS REAL: THE TRUE STORY OF TONY DAVIS is available on his official website www.tonydavisgospel.com as well as Amazon.com / Barnes&Nobles.com / and many others. Sound clips from his CD Releases are also available at www.tonydavisgospel.com.