First On You Tube...from the short film "The John Leyton Touch".."Wild Wind",It entered the UK charts on 7th October 1961, reaching number 2 in the UK Singles Charts (by Meek partner Geoffrey Goddard) describe a man’s desire to have his troubles vanish as if blown away by the wind. This simple premise becomes the centerpiece for a flurry of sonic innovations all aimed at creating a windy environment. The most effective of these is Joe Meek’s favorite instrument: the female human voice. In this song, the female background soloist moans and wails, capturing the essence of a blowing gail. The keyboards in conjunction with the strumming of the guitar create an additional layer, similar to a constantly falling rain. Notably, Meek, a strong proponent of sound effects, uses none in this song, restricting all windiness to musical interventions alone.