Hot Wax | Normal Wax | Hot wax Hands | Cocoon Salon
Hot wax or Normal for hands video shot at Cocoon Salon. There are different kinds of waxing products like for example, Normal wax, Chocolate wax, RICA Wax etc. Every wax product might have different steps and please read the instructions carefully. Here, you will understand how HOT wax / Normal Wax / being done. Product used in this video is Honeybee wax which is considered basic wax.
Normal wax is used to remove hair from the body surface like legs, hands etc. Waxing helps you remove the hair from roots, so the skin feels smoother and new hair growth takes little longer than shaving. Waxing also helps you remove the dead skin cells on the top layer of the skin. So, the skin looks fresh, clean and beautiful.
Normal wax is made by the simple combination of lemon and sugar or honey and contains chemical substances. It is the cheapest wax available at the salon.
Hot wax provides smooth results for three to four weeks. When the new hair grows back after waxing, it will grow weaker, making it finer and softer.
Hot Wax Steps:
IF you are doing for the first time you should try in the presence of an expert.
Hot wax step 1:
You must heat the wax first in a normal wax heater. This wax looks sticky and little hard when not heated. In this wax video, we have used a normal wax heater to heat the wax. Switch on the wax heater with wax in it. You may put the lid to cover the wax while heating. Check to see if the wax is heated and looks semi-liquid like in the video. Some wax heaters automatically switched off some are not. Use the wax heater as required.
Normal wax step 2:
While the wax getting heated, invite the client and give a gown and let her relax. Clean your hands with a sanitizer and use gloves if desired.
Make sure the area to be waxed is clean and not with too much sweat or oil etc. if Area to be waxed is not clean, then use a wet cloth to clean the area and pat dry with a cloth or tissue to make sure the area is clean and dry.
Apply baby powder or talcum powder to the arm and hand which helps absorb any hidden moisture and also helps to form a good base for the wax to work without sticking it to the skin to be waxed.
Now check the wax and use a spatula to stir if needed to check the wax is in a semi-liquid state for the proper and even application.
Hot wax step 3:
Keep the wax strip ready with you and take wax with a spatula as shown in the video and apply a thin layer of wax in the DIRECTION of the hair growth.
IMP NOTE: NEVER delay at this point. Use was strip immediately to remove wax using the wax strip.
Take the wax strip and make sure you press down firmly. Leave a leftover bit of strip hanging off at the end not touching any of your hair.
Pull the wax strip off in the opposite direction of hair growth
Do this fast.
If it hurts after you pull off the strip push your palm down on your leg and apply some pressure.
In this wax video, beautician has spread long patches of wax. You may use small patches of the wax application as needed.
Continue doing this and don't use strip repeatedly or apply wax repeatedly in the same area as it may hurt the skin.
IMPORTANT: IF for some reason wax stuck the skin and wax strip unable to remove it off the skin, just stop the procedure and use aloe vera gel to remove the wax from the skin slowly using your hands.
Hot Wax final step 4:
Clean the area waxed with a damp cloth with no pressure in the direction of the hair growth.
Apply any gentle moisturizer which helps in removing any residual wax and also works as a soothing and calming agent for the skin.
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