Wand'rin Star - Lee Marvin, 1969.
I was born... under a Wand'rin' Star.
I was born... under a Wand'rin' Star.
Wheels are made for rollin',
Mules are made to pack.
I've never seen a sight,
That didn't look better lookin' back.
I was born... under a Wand'rin' Star.
Mud can make you pris'ner,
And the plains can make you dry.
Snow can burn your eyes,
But only people make you cry.
Home is made for comin' from,
For dreams of goin' to,
Which with any luck will never come true.
I was born... under a Wand'rin' Star.
I was born... under a Wand'rin' Star.
Do I know where Hell is?
Hell is in "hello",
Heaven is "Good-bye forever,
It's time for me to go."
I was born... under a Wand'rin' Star,
A Wand'rin' Wand'rin' Star.
Mud can make you pris'ner,
And the plains can make you dry.
Snow can burn your eyes,
But only people make you cry.
Home is made for comin' from,
For dreams of goin' to,
Which with any luck will never come true.
I was born under a Wand'rin' Star.
I was born under a Wand'rin' Star.
When I get to Heaven,
Tie me to a tree,
Or I'll begin to roam,
And soon you know where I will be.
I was born... under a Wand'rin' Star,
A Wand'rin'... Wand'rin' Star.