Our "love letter to the world!"
You can download this song and the album "Fusion" at iTunes or purchase the CD at www.darcimonet.com or http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/darcimonet2.
Directed by Christopher Gregson (http://www.YouTube.com/gregsonfilm)
Produced by Jacole Kitchen
Music by Darci Monet and Levi Kreis
Lyrics by Darci Monet
© 2009 Songs From The Fortress (BMI) / Surgery Puppy Music (ASCAP)
Debby Holiday appears courtesy of Nebula 9 Records - http://www,debbyholiday.com
Levi Kreis appears courtesy of Surgery Puppy Music - http://www.levikreis.com
Greg Weaver, Rylie and Kayla Colbert, Kelly Goodman, Robert Acinapura, Seana Harris, Pasquale Cassalia, Ashley Cuellar, Emma Fassler and a plethora of beautiful "real life" survivors.
Darci began writing the song after a visit to Ground Zero in August of 2006, merely a a couple days after ground was broken for the new memorial. She was inspired by the people of New York just going about their business and carrying on despite the horrific reminder of the events of 9/11 right in front of them every single day. Once back in L.A., she finished the song with her cowriter Levi Kreis and recorded it for her second album "Fusion". The September 11th attacks are still painfully fresh amidst additional global unrest and economic turmoil and the media continuously bombards the public with messages of gloom and doom. Messages of motivation, inspiration and hope have never been more necessary. Darci, Director Chris Gregson, Producer Jacole Kitchen and the cast sincerely hope this video will be an inspiration to anyone who gets the chance to see it and ask you to share it with everyone you know -- inundate the media with encouragement! "Go On", little brothers and sisters!
"Fusion" is available at http://DarciMonet.com, http://CDBaby.com and iTunes.
Darci - @darcimonet
Director Chris - @gregsonfilm
Darci - http://Facebook.com/darcimonetmusic
Director Chris - http://facebook.com/christopher.gregson
Producer Jacole - http://facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000532673950
Christopher Gregson can be contacted at
[email protected].
Jacole Kitchen can be contacted at
[email protected].