More than fifty years old PLIER found in my grand father's house RANDOM HANDS Brothers told me to restore it and i decided to restore it with their help and started my journey. I just restore it because i think its better to give a life to our old rusty jammed things, it's really old and i learned many new things during RESTORATION OF ANTIQUE RUSTY PLIER.
Even i can buy new Plier from store in a little amount but restoration of old things makes a good habit of saving and cleaning of tools and restoration also creates fun and makes you busy in work when you are free from job.
Subscribe if you think i did with my best â–º
If you enjoyed this video must give a thumbs up because i think that old PLIER now seems really perfectlty restored.
o. Rust was removed by DILUTE sulphuric Acid.
o. Grinded well to flat the surfaces.
o. Used file
I know i am not professional as like professionals are doing work on YouTube but it was not so bad. Sure everyone made mistakes and i also made mistakes in this video but please guys take those mistakes easy and give your positive remarks about my first project video.
If you have better ideas for restoration of PLIER tell everyone in comment section but make sure your behavior should never hurt anyone. Give your ideas for educational purpose so people will learn from your ideas and experience, i would also like to learn from your discussion.
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'If you like this Project perhaps You may like those RESTORATYION projects of RANDOM HANDS.
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Special Thanks For ⤠RANDOM HANDS â¤