Little Red & 12 more songs by Patty Shukla | Cartoons | 32 Minutes
Little Red and more songs by Patty Shukla | 32 Minutes | Cartoons/Animated Children Songs. English songs for children. Educational Music. Children, babies and toddler music.
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Little Red and 32 more minutes of animated cartoon songs by Patty Shukla. Sing, dance and learn through music!
Little Red: 0:04
School Bus: 2:19
Vroom Goes the Red Race Car: 4:57
Puppy: 6:58
Elephant Steps: 10:10
Doubles: 12:39
Tooth Fairy 14:39
A Monkey 16:52
Grandma's House 19:51
Favorite Letter 22:47
A Fisherman's Life 26:06
Stranger Danger 29:21