Out of all architectural patterns Model-View-ViewModel, or MVVM, has to be my favorite. MVVM enables developers to separate their business logic from their user interface code no matter if you are developing with iOS Storyboards, Android XML, or Xamarin.Forms XAML. In this episode I cover the basic building blocks of the MVVM pattern and then introduce you to the build in data binding framework built right into Xamarin.Forms so there is no need to ever manually set a text property, register for a click handler, and automatically enable and disable controls with Commands.
Show Links:
XAML for Xamarin.Forms: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/xaml/
Source Code on GitHub: https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/TheXamarinShow/
Xamarin.Forms Binding Tips & Tricks: Converters and Control to Control Binding: https://blog.xamarin.com/advanced-data-binding-for-ios-android-and-windows/
Find James on:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jamesmontemagno
GitHub: http://github.com/jamesmontemagno
Blog: http://motzcod.es/
His weekly podcast Merge Conflict: http://www.mergeconflict.fm/
Useful Links:
Xamarin Developer Center: https://developer.xamarin.com/
Xamarin Blog: http://blog.xamarin.com/
Xamarin and Azure: https://www.xamarin.com/azure
Mobile DevOps: https://www.xamarin.com/mobile-devops
Xamarin University Self-Guided: https://university.xamarin.com/self-guided
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/c9-azurefree