Evening Ragas | Volume 1 | Audio Jukebox | Classical | Vocal & Instrumental | Various Arti
As the sun sets, another set of Sandhi Prakash ragas come into the picture. These are the counterparts of the pre-dawn ragas. At this time, light meets darkness .
The tranquil mood of the Kalyans, gradually but briefly give place to lyrical and romantic ragas like Anandi, Tilang and Kedar, ragas suitable alike for late .
The life span of the Kalyan raag is very long and one may play or sing Yaman, for instance, at any time between seven or eleven in the evening. As a result there .
As twilight deepens into night, the serene and tranquil ragas of the Kalyan family appear. Their calm and reposeful nature owe a great deal to the sounding of .